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How to make a separate bedroom in a studio or one-room apartment? 9 real projects

Often, due to lack of space, owners of small apartments are forced to sleep on a folding sofa. But this is not the only option. We tell you how to arrange a separate bedroom with a bed in a small studio or one-room apartment.

separate bedroom in a studio or one-room apartment

Separate with a corrugated glass partition

Owners of standard one-room apartments can divide the only living room into two parts: a bedroom and a living room. In order not to limit the access of light to one of the zones, it is better to use glass partitions instead of a door. If you need privacy, hang a curtain or go with frosted glass. This is what they did in this project, for example. And by eliminating sliding structures, we also managed to save money.

Make a partition with a window

Another solution that will allow you to highlight two zones, without leaving one of them without natural light, is to build a blank partition but build an internal window into it. In this two-room apartment, they separated the kitchen and bedroom in this way. The latter was placed near the window, and part of the partition was made of glass. In this way, privacy was achieved without compromising the level of illumination.

Hide in a niche

If you get an apartment with an open plan, this is a great success: you can distribute the zones as you wish. For example, here a partition was erected immediately at the entrance to the living room. Thanks to this, it was possible to create a walk-through kitchen with a parallel set on one side, and a niche in which the bed fit on the other. The sleeping area is separated from the living room by a thick fabric curtain to match the finish.

Raise to the second tier

In an apartment with a ceiling height of 4 meters or more, it is worth making the most of this advantage. For example, build a second level and place a private area there. This studio upstairs not only accommodates a bed but also a wardrobe, chest of drawers, and nightstand. Another storage system was placed under the stairs, and the space on the “ground floor” was given over to the kitchen living room - it turned out to be spacious.

Delimit a room with a shelving unit

A shelving unit is a multifunctional zoning tool: it delimits a room and at the same time provides additional storage space. In addition, unlike a blind cabinet, it does not block the light from the window. For example, in this apartment, the sleeping area was allocated right next to the wall, and the remaining space was given over to a small living room. This option is suitable for studios and one-room apartments where 1-2 people live since it does not provide complete privacy.

Separate with a sliding partition

A sliding glass partition allows you to highlight a full room, and due to the transparency of the structure, there will be no problems with access of light to the rest of the room. In this small studio, the only room is elongated, so the designer proposed a classic distribution of zones: at the entrance, there is a kitchen and a recreation area, in the farthest part there is a bedroom.

Hide behind the closet

Sometimes in limited space, you need to resort to non-standard solutions. Look how they solved the zoning issue in this studio: part of the room was separated by a U-shaped closet with a wall reaching to the ceiling. Hidden behind it is a bedroom with a bed on a podium. The sleeping area is complemented by steps with built-in drawers for things.

Separate with a wooden partition

Partitions help to divide the room into functional zones and at the same time maintain maximum space and light. In this project, we chose wooden slats that organically combine with the textures of a minimalist interior. A partition separates the bedroom from the kitchen-living room; the bed is placed with the head of the bed facing the slats.

Place behind the kitchen unit

It is not necessary to arrange furniture in a standard way in the studio. On the contrary, atypical solutions help make the space more functional. For example, in her apartment the designer moved part of the kitchen unit to the center of the room. A podium bed was placed in the remaining space between the cooking area and the wall. It is separated from the kitchen by a low partition. On the other side, there is a mini-living room.

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